property for sale in  brighton, preston park and fiveways area, close to good schools
This website has been set up as part of the growing awareness of the negative impact that the proposed Secondary schools admissions changes will have on our community.

To understand more clearly why these changes will have a negative impact on you, please visit the "Schools 4 Communities" website here.

The primary function of this website is to compile an electronic petition to add to other written petitions currently circulating the affected areas which will be presented to the "Children's Families and Schools Committee" before their final decision meeting on January 22nd.

If you have already signed a petition, you can and should, also sign this one as we will run through and ensure duplicate names are not presented and also keep you informed of the progress to date. You have the option of remaining anonymous for the purposes of display here on the internet and should you choose to do so your electronic signature will show as "Anonymous, Balfour Road" for example.

This will give us an up to date idea of the number of signatures so far submitted.

Keep our local schools available for local children.
Protect the right to send your children to the schools in your neighbourhood.

Say No to the SAR (Secondary Admissions Review) Today!!!

Click on the sign below to register your opposition to the SAR

  Copyright © 2006 - Mike Gibbs - All Rights Reserved

Design by Weird Creations Limited

sign our petition